
Spider-Man 99.99%


  • Real Name: Peter Parker
  • Alias: Spider-Man
  • Height: 5'10"
  • Weight: 165 Ibs
  • Eyes: Hazel
  • Hair: Brown

    Powers & Abilities:

  • Spider-Strength
  • Spider-Agility
  • Spider-Speed
  • Spider-Grip
  • Spider-Sence
  • Enhanced Equilibrium


  • Webshooters w/ webbing
  • Spider-Tracers
  • Spider-Signal
  • Spider-Belt
  • Automatic Camera.

    -Character Download-

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    -Text Files-

  • Read Me


    Web-Ball (Stand) (Air) (Wall):

  • Command: QCF+P
  • Disciption:Spidey shoots web at the enemy incasing them in a web cacoon.
  • Usage:Very High; Besides just being a long ranged attack you may also use it to add extra hits into dash in combos or throw it in the end of a combo.

    Spider-Sting (Stand):

  • Command:F,D,F+P
  • Discription: Spidey Does a powerful jumping uppercut.
  • Usage:Low; This move is usually just used as an anti-air, but you can also finish of combos very stylish like with it.

    Web-Swing (Stand) (Air):

  • Command:QCB+K
  • Discription: Using his ability to webswing Spidey gains momentum and does a powerful kick.
  • Usage:Medium; Mostly I use it just to get around the screen more, but it does fit into some serious comboing that you must know playing with spidey.

    *Spider-Sense (Stand):

  • Command:QCF+K
  • Discription: "Spider-Sense Tingling!" Stylish Counter.
  • Usage:High; Spider-man is mostly an offencive aggressive character. The spider-sense counter evens him out.

    Web-Throw (Stand):

  • Command: HCB+P
  • Disciption:Spidey shoots out a web-line then swings the enemy in circles then release it doing Heavy Damage.
  • Usage:Very High; This is one of the most fun moves to use. It aims in 3 directions and can be used in many situations. Also it makes easier comebacks!.


    Maximum-Spider (Stand) (Air):

  • Command: QCF+2P
  • Discription:The wall crawler leaps back onto the wall Looking for the right momment to strike. When he finds it he uses his spider agility to attack head on no matter what. He again leaps of the nearest object for another hit. This move can do some pretty heavy damage.
  • Usage:High; That signiture super with near perfect programing!

    Crawler-Assult (Stand):

  • Command: QCF+2K
  • Discription:Spider-Man lounges forward swinging wildly at the enemy.
  • Usage:Very High; A great way to make a comeback! Place it at the end of a combo or even to knock the opponent off the ground after being tripped.

    Ultimage-Web-Throw (Stand):

  • Command: QCB+2P
  • Discription: This Webslinger leaps back into the air shooting a massive spiderweb down at the ground. If the enemy gets stuck in the web he tugs it nice and tight cause there going on a ride. He spins them around and around then finaly slams them down doing major damage.
  • Usage:Very High; An easy super to get the "jump" on the enemy.

    Super 789 (Stand):

  • Command: QCB+2K
  • Discription: HAHA! You think I'm going to tell you?


    *Seperation Anxiety (Stand):

  • Command: QCF+FPK
  • Discription: Well we have all heard of the darkside...Looks like Spidey has his too. You'll just have to wait and see.
  • Usage:Very High; Massive Damage Combo!


  • Seth Zankuten
  • Sander71113
  • Noir
  • SS5ACE
  • Capcom
  • DCvsMarvel Project
  • Marvel Comics
  • Stan Lee